Monday, August 31, 2009

Jack (1996)

When we were young, we fantasize of getting older while earning big bucks, travelling all around the world with unlimited freedom.

When you reached a certain age, we wish we could just freeze time.
Looking back thinking, we have not even reached half of what we dreamt of as a kid.

I'm feeling exactly the same now

Sometime I wish I could have a life like Peter Pan, the boy who never grow up.

Thankfully, I stumble on this old movie way back in 1996 'Jack' by Robin Williams, make me think that growing old is not a bad thing at all.

Here's the synopsis:

The movie is about a boy with a unique aging disorder: one that makes him age 4 times faster than normal. Movie picks up when Jack (Robin Williams) is 10 years old, but looks 40. He tries to go to public school for the first time, and tries to become friends with kids his own age.

Just imagine 10 year old kid trapped in a 40 year old body.

This is my fave part in the movie where Jack made his graduation speech:

Caption by Jack: And as we start to look ahead, we start to worry. We think "What am I going to do? Where am I going to be in ten years?" But I say to you, "Hey, look at me!" Please, don't worry so much.

Because when you get right down to it, none of us have very long on this earth.

Life is fleeting, like a shooting star in the sky. Whenever you see a shooting star light up the sky with its brilliance, think of me, and try to make each and every moment of our lives as spectacular as possible. I know I did. I made it, Mom. I'm a grown-up.

Thank you Jack for making me realize that age is really a matter of mind.

Its what in the heart that counts.

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